
EF CANCER Embrace Self-Care and Personal Agency

Erica D Porter Season 12 Episode 11

What if receiving a cancer diagnosis could be a catalyst for empowerment rather than despair? Join me, Erica Porter, as I share how my journey with stage four breast cancer inspired the creation of the Endorphasm Foundation. In this heart-to-heart episode of Endorphasmic, I recount a poignant poolside conversation with friends, revealing how my personal battle has shaped my mission to help others reclaim control over their lives. Instead of letting cancer define my story, I choose to lead with the themes of service, motherhood, and entrepreneurship, motivating others to live their best lives. 

You'll hear why I believe self-care should be at the forefront of every cancer journey and how the Endorphasm Foundation is making a difference by offering free services and education to empower individuals. I discuss the crucial role of personal agency in healthcare and share uplifting stories of people who have walked through our doors feeling hopeless and left with renewed dignity and control. Discover the transformative power of movement and connection, and why it’s essential to impact the world positively, no matter what challenges life throws your way. Tune in for an episode full of inspiration, resilience, and the message that we have the power to shape our own narratives.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Endorphasmic, where we talk about all things. Endorphasm, I am your hostess, erica Porter. I got together with some friends the other day that I met through my son's lacrosse team, and so I met them, you know, this past year, and we went to hang out at their pool and they were asking some questions about the Endorphasm Foundation. We were talking about burpees for boobs and she is a cancer survivor and you know so. You know we had talked about her cancer journey and they were asking why you know why I chose a cancer nonprofit to start, and so I was explaining the reason why and the fact that I was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer in June of 2020. And you know, they, they kind of sat there there shocked and said we had no idea, you don't look sick, which is kind of, you know, I always think what is a cancer patient supposed to look like?

Speaker 1:

But I don't lead with my cancer journey, and I don't lead with it because, while it's part of my journey and it's part of my story, it is not my story, it is not the only thing and it's it's not the narrative that I choose to lead with, and I choose to lead with the narrative of service to others and being a mother narrative of service to others and being a mother and being an entrepreneur and being a partner and being so many things a friend, a daughter, a sister. I've done a lot of things in my life really, really great things that I'm super proud of, but I live in the moment, and in the moment it's about the people that I'm with. It's about how I can elevate them, how I can make other people feel more connected with themselves and powerful, and how can I inspire another individual to live their best life and to be the best version of themselves. And while being diagnosed with cancer gives me an opportunity to connect with people on a very different level, because I understand what it's like to receive that diagnosis, I understand what it's like to go through treatment, I understand how it can change and impact one's life, and I think that that's I'm fortunate, and most people would probably not agree. I'm fortunate to be able to have that insight and to be able to very clearly and honestly help people on a journey.

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And the reason that I founded the Endoraphasm Foundation was because I feel as though the medical community does an incredible job at treating the disease, but I think as individuals, you feel as though you're relinquishing all of your control to the medical community and hoping that they get it right, and not often do we talk about what we, the individual, have control over, and self-care is something that is incredibly powerful and personal and ours to control, and so when that is not spoken about, I feel very compelled to educate and to lead by example and to help people as much as I can and to do it in a way where I can offer those services, and that education and everything free of charge is a gift for me. It's a gift to watch people walk through my doors and to feel not like themselves and to feel deflated and to feel as though almost hopeless in some cases, and for them to leave with a sense of self and dignity and control. There is not a dollar amount that you can put on that, on how gratifying that is and how special that is, and so you know there's never a moment in which I am sorry or angry or upset in any way that any of that happened to me. I almost you know I spoke in the last podcast that there are no mistakes, and I believe there's always a message in the things that happen, and it's not always clear in the moment and sometimes we try to unpack and fold and really try to dissect and figure things out. And it's not to be figured out in the moment, but I believe things happen the way that they're supposed to happen.

Speaker 1:

And, as I've said it many times, there are two kinds of people in the world those that allow the world to impact them and those that choose to impact the world. And I choose to impact the world, convey and spread and even if it's just one person, realizing that you know we are not victims in this life. We make choices and decisions every single day. How we show up is so powerful and it changes everything that we do. And that's why I feel so strongly about movement in life and endorphism and the fact that the moment during movement that you feel all things are possible, that's the endorphism, that it connects us with our.

Speaker 1:

I choose not to squander it, but I will never show up with a cancer narrative. I will share my story when it's appropriate and I will talk about it and I will inspire and educate and empower people, but you will never hear me lead with. I have stage four breast cancer, but I talk about it in the podcasts. I certainly talk about it when I reference the Endorphasm Foundation, but it's not about me, it's not about what happened to me. It's the Endorphasm Foundation. The root at what it is is what we have control over, and may that be a lesson for everything in life, not just for those that might face a cancer diagnosis, but everything in life. In life, everything that's thrown our way, that we have control, that we choose to impact the world, not allow the world to impact us. Love, health and happiness and always much respect.

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