
Harnessing Control

Erica D Porter Season 12 Episode 13

What if you could significantly reduce your stress, frustration, and anxiety by simply focusing on what you can control? Join Erica Porter on this transformative journey as we uncover the powerful concept of "Controlling the Controllables." We discuss how placing your energy on aspects like work ethic, seizing opportunities, and self-improvement can lead to enhanced peace of mind, happiness, and success. This episode highlights the importance of proactive over reactive behavior, creating a positive cycle that allows you to live life on the offense rather than the defense. Discover the key controllables that can empower you to boost your attitude and transform your expectations.

In the second part of our episode, we delve into the critical role integrity plays as one of the five essential controllables in our lives. We explore how maintaining integrity—through actions, promises, and trustworthiness—shapes our character and ensures it remains unassailable, regardless of external circumstances. Even when faced with challenges, such as fatigue or pressure, upholding integrity can lay the foundation for tremendous positive outcomes. Reflect on your own controllables and learn how focusing on your integrity can set you on a path to a more empowered and fulfilled life. Tune in and take charge of your happiness and success with Erica Porter guiding you every step of the way.

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Welcome to Endorphasm, where we talk about all things. Endorphasm, I am your hostess, erica Porter. I want to continue the conversation from last week. And so much of life is completely outside of our control the people we encounter, unfortunate circumstances, our genetics, whatever it is. Yet many of those uncontrollable things cause significant stress, frustration and anxiety, and when they seem to turn against us, as they sometimes do, it can drain our energy and block our happiness. And to enjoy more peace of mind and enhance your life, it's vital to shift control back into your hands so that you can boost your attitude and your results, and thankfully, there's one simple rule that can help you to do so, and that's controlling the controllables. I talk about it a lot and I'll explain how this works and how you can take control of the most important aspects of life for much more happiness and success. So why is it so valuable? Problems occur when we focus too much on the uncontrollables in life, the things completely outside of our control, like weather, how other people act and random external obstacles. We start getting more emotional, which impairs our focus and clarity. Then, as we direct our energy onto those limitations and barriers, we gradually feel more like a victim, and once that happens, we lose our ability to be proactive, we feel more helpless and we create a negative, reinforcing loop of bitterness and resentment. That's why it's so critical to control the controllables. For all the things outside our control, there are still plenty of things completely within our control to help us live better lives. What do you actually influence, meaning parts of your life that you can impact either directly or indirectly. Be proactive in your life. Work on the things you can do something about. What does that do? It causes the nature of your energy to be positive, enlarging and magnifying, causing your power of influence to increase. Reactive people, on the other hand, focus on the weakness of other people, the problems in the environment and circumstances over which they have no control. Their focus results in an attitude of blaming and accusing, reactive language and increased feelings of victimization. And the negative energy generated by that focus, combined with neglect in areas you could do something about, causes your power of influence to shrink. So let's kind of talk about as you focus your attention and effort to those controllables, you start to feel empowered, take action and live life on the offense and not the defense, and I'll be honest, it's not always easy when you're fed up with things beyond your control that mess up your life. It's frustrating. It's in those moments that you really need to dig deep and direct your energy toward few things that are still in your control and make the most of them, and by doing so, you shift the power back into your hands, giving yourself the best chance to succeed and create a positive, reinforcing cycle. So how do you control the controllables? What are the controllables in life? What are the levers that we can pull to be happier, to be healthier and to be more successful? I'm going to give you my five most impactful controllables in life and, if managed well, I'm confident you will feel more confident and empowered in your journey.

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Number one work ethic. You control your work ethic. You control your effort. You control when you're done. You control your work ethic. You control your effort. You control when you're done. No one else does.

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You're only limited by yourself, and many people stop after they try their best. But trying your best is relative right. One person's best could be 10 minutes or 10 minutes 10 times more than another person's best, because the lower person never pushed themselves before. And remember you are only as good as the standard that you apply to yourself. If you hold yourself to a higher standard, your results will reflect it too. Instead of capping yourself at your best, look to people that are more successful than you. They might be doing far more than you are currently doing, which will recalibrate your ceiling and transform your expectations, what you think is possible and how far you can actually go. And the only limit is in your mind. If you can envision yourself achieving something and truly believing with all your heart that you can make it happen, guess what? There's a better chance that it is going to happen.

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Number two you have to seize the opportunities. In life, you'll get a few chances to show what you can do, what you're capable of or why other people should trust you. Whatever opportunity you get, however small it is, make the most of it. Don't just wing it, otherwise your chance will come and go. There are moments that can transform your entire life. Even a tiny opportunity is better than nothing, and it might not be ideal, but you can't wait for a better shot, because it might not come until you make the most the smaller one that you've been presented with. You still have a chance in front of you. What you do with it is up to you. Seize the opportunities.

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Number three self-improvement. Even if uncontrollable factors are stacked against you, you can always work to become the best version of yourself, and that takes the willingness to look at the person before you and to really self-reflect. And while we can't control certain realities of our life or other people's preferences, we can control what we do with our life. I can control my physique, if you will, my grooming, my fashion, whatever it is. I can be more humorous, I can be a better communicator, I can be more charismatic, a better listener, whatever it is. And by empowering myself and improving those things, I boost my mindset and I naturally increase my odds of success. No one is stopping you from improving your life. They really are not. And if you don't know something, you can learn it. If you can't do something, you can get someone to coach you. Once you do, you'll reap the benefits for the rest of your life. Those rewards are yours. Self-improvement is critical, critical, critical.

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Number three your attitude. Number four I have never met a single person, no matter how rich they might be, how successful they might be, how healthy, whatever it is, who has been able to avoid any kind of misfortune in their life. The key difference, however, is that when misfortune does happen, successful people have an incredible attitude, and that doesn't mean that they don't get angry or they don't get sad. They see adversity as a challenge and an opportunity to grow. I will tell you that one of the last of human freedoms is to choose your attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose your own way. Even when you're going through really difficult times, it's critical to keep believing in yourself, especially if no one else does. It sounds, I guess, a little bit corny, but you almost have to trick yourself into believing there's a grander vision beyond your current situation, because it will give you the drive and the motivation to achieve it. And I think one of I mean, they're all obviously incredibly important.

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Number five is integrity In life, no matter what happens with your health, your money, your family, no one can take away your integrity. It is always with you. You always control your integrity and it's something that you should strive to control. How you treat other people, how you keep your promises, how trustworthy you are, how you live in alignment with good values and morals, that is yours. Nobody can take that from you. And also, deep down, you always know when acting with integrity or not. And sure, sometimes it's harder when you're tired or you're under pressure, you're surrounded by people who are maybe unethical, but it's in those moments that you can still control your behavior and your actions and, over time, how you act. That integrity will shape who you are, control your integrity, and I believe that tremendous things can happen and will happen. And those are what I believe to be five controllables in your life, and maybe you guys want to share with me what you think are the controllables that you feel are important or of value. So, with that, love, health and happiness and always much respect.

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