
Empowering Cancer Fighters Through Movement

Erica D Porter Season 13 Episode 2

Ever wondered how movement can be a powerful tool in the fight against cancer? Also, the inspiring journey of Bess, whose participation in Haymakers for Hope showcases incredible dedication and selflessness. 

We delve into the impactful work of the Endorphasm Foundation, which uses movement to empower those battling cancer, offering free classes that help patients stay strong, both physically and emotionally. By focusing on community support and fundraising events like Burpees for Boobs, we highlight how essential these initiatives are for sustaining the foundation's life-changing services.

Mark your calendars for October 19th, 2024, as we gear up for the next Burpees for Boobs event! Our mission stretches beyond Richmond, Virginia, aiming to support not just individuals with cancer but also their caretakers. The episode underscores the importance of community involvement and spreading awareness. Ready to get involved or learn more? Visit endorphasmfoundation.org or reach out via email. Let's champion a mindset of strength and possibility together!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Endorphasm, mick, where we talk about all things. Endorphasm, I am your hostess, erica Porter. I want to give the loudest, biggest I don't know what shout out to Bess for her sacrifice, her commitment to boxing for Haymakers, for Hope, which just happened on September 19th. To say that she's a badass is the largest understatement that has ever been made. Best fought for the Endorphasm Foundation.

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I have never in my life been so proud of a human so honored, humbled, god every adjective and every feeling it's really difficult to express the significance of what she did is and the display of selflessness and humility and all of that is just exceptional. And when you think that the world is full of mischief and shit and awful things, you can take a step back and look that the world is filled with people that give a shit and care about their fellow human and do things that make an impact that don't serve them. They just do things because they believe in service to others, they believe in their community, they believe in the greater good of people. And I am so incredibly humbled by watching her and to even be a part of it was. It was really very special, and so I am grateful.

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And I want to talk about the Endorphasm Foundation. I want to talk about the impact that we are making within the cancer community and how important it is in life to control our controllables. And when we're faced with something that seems so overwhelming and it feels as though you are relinquishing all of your control to all the outside forces, it is a really powerful thing when you recognize and you honor the fact that you have a choice in all of it and that you have the power to change how you go through a diagnosis, how you fare in that diagnosis, and movement is something that is what the body is designed to do, and there is no human body that is the exception to that, and it's really important to realize that when your body is going to be battling, it's going to be on a journey that is not always pretty, whether it's the treatment, whether it's the surgeries. It's important to recognize that you, the individual that is going through all of this, that you still retain control over what I feel is the most important piece of it. Self-care is ours, to control it is ours, and that is something that is really, really important. It's important to understand how it changes us, how it really creates a situation where not only are we physically in a better place, but we are emotionally in a better place, and the Endorphasm Foundation is not just about offering movement services to individuals that have been diagnosed with cancer. It's also the educational piece. It is us going into cancer centers, it is us talking to different support groups and really educating and really inspiring the individuals that come and listen to us speak and deliver the message of how critical it is to control your controllables and how important it is to move through a diagnosis and after a diagnosis, it is important for us to get referrals from oncology clinicians, be it the oncologists themselves or the nurse practitioners, the nurse, navigators, pt, whomever it is, whomever it is. It is important for us to explain what we do, why we do it, how we do it and the impact that we're making.

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All of the services that we offer, from the education, going and talking to different organizations and support groups and cancer centers to providing the services, movement classes and we offer them all over the place. We've connected with different organizations, fitness studios, and we are offering everything that we offer free of charge to the individuals that are utilizing our services. We use our fundraising. Like the Burpees for Boobs on October 19th at Endorphasm. We'll be doing it at 10 am. But listen, whether you're doing it at Endorphasm or somewhere else, or you're not in Virginia and you might be in Portland, oregon, or you're in Key West Florida, or you're in Torrance, california or New York City, wherever it is, we're asking that everyone participate at some point in time. On Saturday, october 19th, at Endorphasm, we're doing it from 10 am to 11 am, followed with drinks and food after, and we want it to be just an amazing event. This is the fifth year that we've done it to benefit the Endorphasm Foundation.

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The services that we offer for free are not free. So we pay for our certified cancer exercise specialists, we pay for the classes, we pay for different memberships in different places, but the only way to be able to offer all of the services that we offer free of charge is to do fundraising events, and it takes a village. It's a grassroots effort. We are a small but mighty nonprofit. We are a 501c3. Your donations are tax deductible. They really go to help individuals that need it.

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In the moment. I think there are so many different organizations that are there to support research and a variety of other things. All important, all incredibly valuable, but I want to impact individuals in the moment, right now. I want people to feel empowered. I want them to understand what feeling good feels like. I want people to be in a headspace that all things are possible, that power of the endorphasm.

Speaker 1:

The endorphasm is the moment during movement, that you feel all things are possible. Let me go back that you feel all things are possible. So when you receive a diagnosis, you feel like all is lost and things are not possible. It's important to change the mindset, not only for us to get stronger as individuals because that is so important, especially during treatment, to stay strong and healthy throughout the process. It is really important that that beautiful mind mind stays energized and full of hope and recognizing that when we control our controllables, it can be life-changing. Because it's easy to fall victim to being that victim of having been diagnosed with cancer, going through treatment, feeling fatigued, wanting to go home and curl up in a ball. And I get it. I was there, but I did not allow myself to succumb to the self-doubt, the self-pity, all of that that has a tendency of happening when you feel as though you're relinquishing all of your control. And it seems counterintuitive that the more you move, the more energized, you feel, but it is the reality.

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And so we want to educate anyone we possibly can. We want to inspire anyone that we possibly can to refer individuals to the Endorphasm Foundation, to allow us to make a difference, to be a powerful force for individuals to change the narrative of what it means to be living with and through cancer. And we can only do that with your support. And so the Endorphasm Foundation's sole fundraising mechanism right now is the Burpees for Boobs. Obviously, we had Bess who did the haymakers for hopes event, and she raised an enormous amount of money for the foundation, and for that we are forever grateful. And who knows, maybe next year I'll actually box. But the burpees for boobs event is our, the event that we have utilized for our fundraising efforts.

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And so create your teams. You know whether you're in Richmond or you're not in Richmond, still create your teams. Let's make this a nationwide event. We are going to do a Zoom cast in Endorphasm, so we're going to try to put all of the different organizations that are participating up on our walls so that we can kind of all be a part of this together. So obviously that would mean that you would have to do it at 10 am Eastern Standard Time, but please send videos and different things If you are not doing it at 10 AM and you're doing it at another time. We want to be there, we want to. We want to be there in spirit and to help you however we can. So I thank you for spreading the message of what the Endorphasm Foundation is.

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If you know someone who's been recently diagnosed, or even if they haven't been recently diagnosed and maybe they're struggling, please have them reach out to me, erica at endorphasmfoundationorg. You can call me or text me at 310-634-5645. If you want to learn a little bit more about what the Endorphasm Foundation is all about, go to endorphasmfoundationorg. I am always happy to go into different organizations and to come and to talk and to inspire and to educate and whatever it is that your organization feels like they need. Just reach out, and you can reach out to me directly. Obviously, I have a media team that handles a lot of that. But reach out, and you can reach out to me directly. Obviously, I have a media team that handles a lot of that. But, uh, reach out to me directly and I am more than happy to help.

Speaker 1:

Um, I've gone into different organizations and spoken with them and I think that we all have a really good time. It's not a dry conversation, it's a. It's an exciting one. It's interactive. It's an exciting one. It's interactive. A lot of it is people asking questions and, to the best of my ability, I answer them. So it's a lot of fun and we have a network of people that we have to help and deliver on our services. We partner with different organizations. We've done a partnership with a class at the Y with different you know small boutique fitness studios that offer classes specifically for our foundation members.

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If you are in an area that is not Richmond, virginia, and you would like to have services in your area, please reach out to me, because we are always looking to expand our reach and we want to be able to help as many people as we possibly can. So, burpees for Boobs October 19th 2024. Reminder if you want one of the Endorphasm Foundation 5th Annual Burpees for Boobs shirts, we need your shirt sizes turned in by this Friday, september. What is the date for that? September 27th so that we can either get them all shipped out to you. It does require a minimum donation of $35 because we have to print them all shipped out to you. It does require a minimum donation of $35, because we have to print them all and we still want to make a little bit to put back for the foundation. So turn in those herpes for boobs, shirt sizes, whether it's your team leader or you sending it in and providing it to me. Ericaendorphasmfoundationorg or carloendorfasmfoundationorg Check out the website endorfasmfoundationorg.

Speaker 1:

What else? What else am I leaving out? So many exciting things. We want to make an impact with as many people as we possibly can, and so part of that is just sharing the message of what we're all about. It's not even always about donating. It's about letting people know what we do and why we're doing it and that services are available and getting people to utilize those services. The other thing that I want to bring up is the fact that this is not just for the individual that is dealing with a cancer diagnosis, but also their caretakers, because we very well know the impact that it has on our loved ones, and it's important for accountability and kind of feeling comfortable that maybe you bring your loved one whether that's a daughter, a son, a friend, a husband, a wife, a partner, whomever that person might be to come and join you. So it's long winded.

Speaker 1:

This was going to be like a five minute podcast. It is now about a 16-minute podcast. Uh, you guys know that I like to talk, so endorphasm foundation endorphasmfoundationorg. I can be reached at erica at endorphasmfoundationorg, or you can reach carlo carlo at endorphasmfoundationorg. We are happy to come in to speak, whether it's myself or one of the other CETI certified cancer exercise specialists. We have a lot of options, guys, a lot of options. So love, health and happiness and always much respect.

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