Join Erica each week as she delves deep into all things wellness, fitness, nutrition, entertainment, entrepreneurship, and spirituality. These intimate, deep, and often intense conversations go beyond the traditional podcast. They are designed to provoke, educate, inspire, and empower you to discover, uncover, unlock, and unleash your best, most authentic self.
To live. To feel alive. Because I can. Because I’m human. Because my humanity demands it! Movement. We weren’t wired this way by accident. Our physical and mental health is by design, dependent on movement. We are designed to feel good when we move because survival depends on movement. This was an obvious truth when hunting, gathering, and farming; our existence depended on our ability and desire to do survival tasks, so our bodies are chemically and hormonally designed to make us feel good when doing them. It is a much less obvious truth in modern society, but no less relevant. The endorphasm is the moment during movement you feel anything is possible. Clarity. This podcast is the exploration of movement as the foundation for a productive, fulfilling, rewarding, most excellent life.
Bridging the Gap Between Intention and Action
Unlock the secrets to transforming your life by bridging the gap between intention and action with me, Erica Porter. What if the only thing standing between you and your dreams is the courage to act right now? Join this episode of Endorphasmic as we navigate the intricacies of overcoming repetitive behaviors and turning desires into achievable goals. With my 32 years of experience in the health, fitness, and wellness industry, we tackle the myth of the "perfect moment" and reveal how every second is an opportunity to choose a new path forward.
Welcome to Endorphasmic, where we talk about all things. Endorphasm. I am your hostess, erica Porter. For those that don't know me, as I said, I'm Erica Porter.
Speaker 1:I bring 32 years of experience in the health, fitness and wellness industry, and what I have found is the biggest challenge for most people is closing the gap between intention and action. True or false? We are what we repeatedly do. Think about that. So many of us keep repeating the same behaviors over and over again, yet we expect different results. That, my friends, is the definition of insanity. Think of it in these very simple terms or way it's like squeezing oranges every single day. Oranges every single day, yet somehow expecting that you're going to get grapefruit juice. My loves, if you squeeze oranges, you are going to get orange juice.
Speaker 1:If you don't change your actions, you won't change your outcome. It's crucial to get clear on where you are and where you want to be. Every human on this planet has 168 hours in a week. How are you using your 168 hours in the week? You have to accept the things you cannot change and change what you absolutely cannot accept, what's standing in your way. I'll tell you. It's a simple answer. The only barrier to success is yourself. There is no try. There's only do or do not. And if not now, when Change happens, when you decide to act right now.
Speaker 1:Breaking free from insanity means doing things differently. It doesn't mean waiting until January 1st to create a New Year's resolution. It means that if you desire something right now, you take action right now. It comes down to three things Desire what is it that you truly want? Desire is more than just wanting something. It's declaring your intention. Action Action is about creating a roadmap. Where am I now? What's the obstacle? What's the solution? Be specific. It's got to be measurable in order to be actionable, and actionable if that makes sense. Measurable and actionable, and, lastly, is focus. Even when you don't feel like doing it, you do it anyway.
Speaker 1:Achievable goals require care C-A-R-E, consistent and repeated effort, even when you don't feel like it. What you want matters most, so you show up for it. And what do you really want? Why is it still just a thought? There are thousands of thoughts that pass through your mind every day. The key is accountability. What do you truly desire? Who do you want to be? How do you want to live? Act as if everything you desire is already yours. Become the person you want to be. Every action has a consequence. Decide what you want and create a plan to get it. This is how you turn desire into reality.
Speaker 1:And let's talk about happiness. Happiness is shaped by your habits. So ask yourself what's one habit you can build that will have the greatest impact on your life and what's the one habit that you can remove that will create the greatest impact on your life? Think about the happiest, healthiest version of yourself. What would they do? Right now? That's what you need to do, and surround yourself with people who empower you, who share your vision and who motivate you to be better.
Speaker 1:Your life is your responsibility. You choose the reflection you see in the mirror, and I don't just mean that as your physical being. I mean looking into the mirror of your soul. Looking into the mirror of your soul. That is your responsibility. There's no halfway. Either you're all in or you're not, and effort creates results, and consistent effort creates lasting change. Obstacles only appear when you lose sight of your goals or when what you say you really want is not really what you want. And think about that. If you were unwilling to do everything you need to do to achieve something, then perhaps what you say you think you want is not something you really want. And knowing isn't enough, you have to apply. Willing isn't enough, you must act. Every moment is a choice that moves you closer to your desires or further away. And remember that you can't solve problems with the same thinking that created them. So with that love, health and happiness and always much respect.