Join Erica each week as she delves deep into all things wellness, fitness, nutrition, entertainment, entrepreneurship, and spirituality. These intimate, deep, and often intense conversations go beyond the traditional podcast. They are designed to provoke, educate, inspire, and empower you to discover, uncover, unlock, and unleash your best, most authentic self.
To live. To feel alive. Because I can. Because I’m human. Because my humanity demands it! Movement. We weren’t wired this way by accident. Our physical and mental health is by design, dependent on movement. We are designed to feel good when we move because survival depends on movement. This was an obvious truth when hunting, gathering, and farming; our existence depended on our ability and desire to do survival tasks, so our bodies are chemically and hormonally designed to make us feel good when doing them. It is a much less obvious truth in modern society, but no less relevant. The endorphasm is the moment during movement you feel anything is possible. Clarity. This podcast is the exploration of movement as the foundation for a productive, fulfilling, rewarding, most excellent life.
Embracing the Journey into 2025
Stepping into a new year offers a chance to reimagine the life we are shaping. As we close out 2024, I invite you to consider this: What would your 90-year-old self whisper back to you about how to live a life of truth and fulfillment? My thoughts on embracing the full spectrum of the human experience, from its messy uncertainties to its most beautiful moments.
Welcome to Endorphasmic, where we talk about all things endorphasm. I am your hostess, erica Porter. Today, this is the Beautiful Life Podcast. Today is December 31st, 2024, and we're about to embrace a new year, 2025. So welcome to a space where we dive deep into the core of living a powerful, meaningful and beautiful life.
Speaker 1:This is not a conversation about waiting for the perfect timing, the perfect person, or for life's mysteries to magically align. This is about. This is about stepping into your readiness, a readiness to live fully within the questions, to embrace the uncertainty and to accept that life is not meant to be entirely understood, but profoundly experienced. This life is fleeting. Everything the challenges, the triumphs, the heartbreaks and the joys all temporary, and that's what makes it so precious. We have only so many years to know what it means to love and to live as humans. So I say love it all. Love the painstaking moments, the beautiful ones, and even the messy, confusing ones. They are the essence of the human experience the insecurity that's part of it. The heartache that's part of it. The joy, the risk, the failures all part of it. Nothing is truly lost if we learned, we grew and we reached further because of it. Your willingness to fail is directly tied to your potential to grow and succeed. Grow and succeed Now. This is appropriate for me as a fitness professional who often uses a timer either counting down or counting up. But the timer of life never stops running, and the greatest regrets often come from not reaching for the things we truly wanted when they were still within our grasp.
Speaker 1:And a beautiful life is not something that happens to us. It's something that we build. It's a series of choices nurtured over time, constructed not from logic alone but from the depths of our hearts. It's not immediately comfortable, but it's worth every ounce of discomfort if it's built on what truly matters. And this is just my opinion. Other people might have very different opinions, but if you're listening to this podcast, you're listening maybe because you like my thoughts. I don't know. You could let me know. Imagine the life your 90 year old self would wish for you. Think of the whispered prayers they might send back through time. Go where your heart already calls you. Move toward the truth. You already know that's what my 90-year-old self would wish for me.
Speaker 1:I believe that A beautiful life is not made of years that slip by unnoticed, but of moments infused with intention and courage. It's built with someone who doesn't just make you fall in love with them, but inspires you to fall in love with who you become in their presence. I hope that really makes sense, because it is powerful. It's about finding a partner. This is anybody who loves you as you are and still creates space for your growth, someone who would carry you when you cannot walk and hold your hand until the very last moment.
Speaker 1:Happiness is not about how your life appears to others. I keep repeating this message because often especially because I witness this on social media people are so hell bent on creating this perceived life on social media at the expense of their own life. Happiness is not about how your life appears to others, but about the depth of your connection to it. Stop posting on social media. I mean really honestly stop.
Speaker 1:It is about the bonds you create, the care you pour into your days and the bravery with which you live. It's about showing up with your whole heart, unguarded and unapologetic, because, at the end of it all, it's not about how full your life looked from the outside, but how deeply you felt it on the inside. And, by the way, you don't feel that shit on social media. I mean, yes, you can be moved by somebody's post. You can connect with friends. You can stay connected because we live in a very big world, but, at the end of it all, it is not about how full your life looked from the outside, but how deeply you felt it on the inside. On the inside, this is your invitation to build a life worth living, not an easy one, but one that is truly and undeniably yours.
Speaker 1:So, as 2024 closes and, man, it was a beautiful year, no matter what happened. We get to experience life every single day. There are people that don't get life anymore. They've passed, they've moved on, they've died, and so we get to embrace it and live it fully. So I hope that you appreciate all of the moments from 2024, the lessons. You appreciate all of the moments from 2024, the lessons, the wisdom, the laughter, the joy, all of it, because it's all part of our life. And here is to 2025 and having an amazing year Love, health and happiness, and always much respect.